Descriptor terms are intended to represent morphological characteristics, not geological origin. The WGPSN does not endorse any specific scientific hypotheses when assigning descriptors.
Chart of landform types created in 1979 by Anne Gifford, who was then at the Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Feature (Designation) | Description |
Albedo Feature AL | Geographic area distinguished by amount of reflected light |
Arcus, arcūs AR | Arc-shaped feature |
Astronaut-named features LF | Lunar features at or near Apollo landing sites |
Astrum, astra AS | Radial-patterned features on Venus |
Catena, catenae CA | Chain of craters |
Cavus, cavi CB | Hollows, irregular steep-sided depressions usually in arrays or clusters |
Chaos, chaoses CH | Distinctive area of broken terrain |
Chasma, chasmata CM | A deep, elongated, steep-sided depression |
Collis, colles CO | Small hills or knobs |
Corona, coronae CR | Ovoid-shaped feature |
Crater, craters AA | A circular depression |
Dorsum, dorsa DO | Ridge |
Eruptive center ER | Active volcanic centers on Io |
Facula, faculae FA | Bright spot |
Farrum, farra FR | Pancake-like structure, or a row of such structures |
Flexus, flexūs FE | A very low curvilinear ridge with a scalloped pattern |
Fluctus, fluctūs FL | Flow terrain |
Flumen, flumina FM | Channel on Titan that might carry liquid |
Fossa, fossae FO | Long, narrow depression |
Fretum, freta FT | Strait, a narrow passage of liquid connecting two larger areas of liquid |
Insula, insulae IN | Island (islands), an isolated land area (or group of such areas) surrounded by, or nearly surrounded by, a liquid area (sea or lake) |
Labes, labēs LA | Landslide |
Labyrinthus, labyrinthi LB | Complex of intersecting valleys or ridges. |
Lacuna, lacunae LU | Irregularly shaped depression on Titan having the appearance of a dry lake bed |
Lacus, lacūs LC | "Lake" or small plain; on Titan, a "lake" or small, dark plain with discrete, sharp boundaries |
Large ringed feature LG | Cryptic ringed features |
Linea, lineae LI | A dark or bright elongate marking, may be curved or straight |
Lingula, lingulae LN | Extension of plateau having rounded lobate or tongue-like boundaries |
Lobus LO | One of two lobes of Arrokoth |
Macula, maculae MA | Dark spot, may be irregular |
Mare, maria ME | “Sea”; on the Moon, low albedo, relatively smooth plain, generally of large extent; on Mars, dark albedo areas of no known geological significance; on Titan, large expanses of dark materials thought to be liquid hydrocarbons |
Mensa, mensae MN | A flat-topped prominence with cliff-like edges |
Mons, montes MO | Mountain |
Oceanus, oceani OC | A very large dark area on the moon |
Palus, paludes PA | "Swamp"; small plain |
Patera, paterae PE | An irregular crater, or a complex one with scalloped edges |
Planitia, planitiae PL | Low plain |
Planum, plana PM | Plateau or high plain |
Plume, plumes PU | Cryo-volcanic features on Triton |
Promontorium, promontoria PR | "Cape"; headland promontoria |
Regio, regiones RE | A large area marked by reflectivity or color distinctions from adjacent areas, or a broad geographic region |
Reticulum, reticula RT | reticular (netlike) pattern on Venus |
Rima, rimae RI | Fissure |
Rupes, rupēs RU | Scarp |
Satellite Feature SF | A feature that shares the name of an associated feature. For example, on the Moon the craters referred to as "Lettered Craters" are classified in the gazetteer as "Satellite Features." |
Saxum, saxa SA | Boulder or rock |
Scopulus, scopuli SC | Lobate or irregular scarp |
Serpens, serpentes SE | Sinuous feature with segments of positive and negative relief along its length |
Sinus, sinūs SI | "Bay"; small plain; on Titan, bays within seas or lakes of liquid hydrocarbons |
Statio ST | Spacecraft landing site |
Sulcus, sulci SU | Subparallel furrows and ridges |
Terra, terrae TA | Extensive land mass |
Tessera, tesserae TE | Tile-like, polygonal terrain |
Tholus, tholi TH | Small domical mountain or hill |
Unda, undae UN | Dunes |
Vallis, valles VA | Valley |
Vastitas, vastitates VS | Extensive plain |
Virga, virgae VI | A streak or stripe of color |