Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

Dyfed Regio

Basic Info

Feature Name Dyfed Regio
Clean Name Dyfed Regio
Feature ID 14293
Target Europa
Feature Type Regio, regiones


Coordinate System Planetographic, +West, 0 - 360
Northmost Latitude 42.00 °
Southmost Latitude -22.00 °
Eastmost Longitude 225.00 °
Westmost Longitude 282.00 °
Diameter 1750.00 km
Center Latitude 10.00 °
Center Longitude 250.00 °
Quad -

Status and Origin

Approval Status Adopted by IAU
Approval Date May 11, 2007
Continent Europe
Ethnicity Wales
Origin In Welsh mythology, the southwestern kingdom of Wales just east of Annwn, containing a mysterious realm.
Reference [160] - Dictionary of Celtic Mythology, by Peter Berresford Ellis: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1992.
Updated May 11, 2007 1:17 PM

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