Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature


Basic Info

Feature Name Stickney
Clean Name Stickney
Feature ID 5707
Target Phobos
Feature Type Crater, craters


Coordinate System Planetographic, +West, 0 - 360
Northmost Latitude 22.00 °
Southmost Latitude -20.00 °
Eastmost Longitude 28.00 °
Westmost Longitude 70.00 °
Diameter 9.00 km
Center Latitude 1.00 °
Center Longitude 49.00 °
Quad -

Status and Origin

Approval Status Adopted by IAU
Approval Date 1973
Continent North America
Ethnicity American
Origin Angeline; wife of American astronomer A. Hall (1830-1892).
Reference [60] - Proceedings of the General Assembly in Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, vol. XB, 1958, through XXVB, 2003.
Updated Nov 29, 2006 7:51 AM