Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

Nomenclature Search Results

Target: Io

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Feature Name
Center Latitude
Center Longitude
Feature Type
Approval Date
Ababinili Patera Io 103.63 12.78 142.17 Patera, paterae 2003 Chickasaw fire and sun god.
Acala Fluctus Io 415.32 9.03 334.60 Fluctus, fluctūs 1997 Japanese fire god.
Agni Patera Io 19.70 -40.78 333.09 Patera, paterae 1985 Hindu god of fire.
Ah Peku Patera Io 84.91 10.36 106.98 Patera, paterae 2006 Mayan thunder god.
Aidne Patera Io 29.80 -1.76 177.11 Patera, paterae 1997 Irish creator of fire.
Altjirra Patera Io 60.27 -34.40 108.82 Patera, paterae 1997 Australian sky god whose voice is thunder.
Amaterasu Patera Io 95.27 38.21 306.55 Patera, paterae 1979 Japanese sun goddess.
Amatsumara Patera Io 39.00 44.17 74.05 Patera, paterae Jan 29, 2025 Shinto (Japanese) smith deity.
Amirani Io 415.23 25.02 115.18 Eruptive center 1979 Georgian god of fire.
Angpetu Patera Io 18.50 -21.18 8.85 Patera, paterae 1985 Dakota name meaning the sun.
Antenora Mons Io 122.00 84.90 333.65 Mons, montes Jan 29, 2025 Name for the second ring of Cocytus, the frozen lake that is the ninth circle of Hell in Dante’s “The Inferno.”
Apis Tholus Io 199.16 -11.92 347.70 Tholus, tholi 1979 Greek; name for Epaphus, son of Io and Zeus.
Aramazd Patera Io 69.33 -73.57 336.61 Patera, paterae 1985 Armenian thunder god.
Argos Planum Io 170.70 -47.90 317.81 Planum, plana 1985 Where Io was captured by Zeus.
Arinna Fluctus Io 121.66 31.63 149.19 Fluctus, fluctūs 2000 Hittite sun goddess.
Arusha Patera Io 69.51 -38.99 101.49 Patera, paterae 1997 Hindu god of the rising sun.
Asha Patera Io 117.97 -8.84 225.58 Patera, paterae 1979 Persian spirit of fire.
Asis Patera Io 98.00 44.33 91.14 Patera, paterae Mar 10, 2023 Nandi (Kenya) supreme god, personified by the Sun.
Ātar Patera Io 80.01 30.87 278.65 Patera, paterae 1979 Iranian personification of fire.
Aten Patera Io 48.84 -48.45 309.97 Patera, paterae 1979 Egyptian sun god.
Babbar Patera Io 110.34 -39.81 271.59 Patera, paterae 1979 Sumerian; sun god.
Bactria Regio Io 663.10 -48.25 123.53 Regio, regiones 1979 Io passed through this area of ancient Iran in her wanderings.
Balder Patera Io 36.95 11.46 156.16 Patera, paterae 2003 Norse god of light.
Belenus Patera Io 22.13 2.93 157.73 Patera, paterae 2000 Celtic fire and sun god.
Bochica Patera Io 54.14 -61.50 18.88 Patera, paterae 1979 Chibcha sky god.
Boösaule Montes Io 540.00 -3.75 269.11 Mons, montes 1985 Cave where Io bore Epaphus.
Bosphorus Regio Io 1607.21 -2.30 120.57 Regio, regiones 1997 "Ford of the Cow"; Io wandered through here while trying to escape from the gadfly.
Bulicame Regio Io 514.24 34.79 189.94 Regio, regiones 2006 Hot sulfur spring, the water of which sinful women were permitted to use in "The Inferno."
Camaxtli Patera Io 55.99 15.28 136.80 Patera, paterae 2000 Aztec thunder, tornado, and war god.
Capaneus Mensa Io 288.08 -16.82 121.40 Mensa, mensae 2000 The great blasphemer in Dante's "The Inferno."
Carancho Patera Io 30.61 1.52 317.28 Patera, paterae 1985 Bolivian legendary hero who received fire from an owl.
Cataquil Patera Io 117.66 -24.21 16.66 Patera, paterae 1985 Inca god of thunder and lightning.
Catha Patera Io 65.71 -53.72 101.58 Patera, paterae 1997 Etruscan sun god.
Caucasus Mons Io 146.60 -31.95 238.48 Mons, montes 1997 Io passed by these mountains while trying to escape from the gadfly.
Chaac Patera Io 95.55 11.96 157.44 Patera, paterae 2000 Mayan thunder and rain god.
Chalybes Regio Io 760.29 56.88 84.67 Regio, regiones 1979 Greek; Io passed through here in her wanderings.
Chors Patera Io 68.92 68.42 249.91 Patera, paterae 2006 Slavic sun god.
Cocytus Montes Io 542.00 60.98 331.67 Mons, montes Jan 29, 2025 Name for the frozen lake which is the ninth and final circle of Hell in Dante’s “The Inferno.”
Colchis Regio Io 2860.00 2.47 208.42 Regio, regiones 1979 Greek; Io passed through this part of Asia Minor in her wanderings.
Creidne Patera Io 168.66 -53.31 342.55 Patera, paterae 1979 Celtic smith god.
Crimea Mons Io 138.56 -75.40 243.35 Mons, montes 1985 Where Io passed by in her wanderings.
Cuchi Patera Io 74.14 -0.83 144.65 Patera, paterae 2000 Australian snake demon whose growl is thunder.
Culann Patera Io 28.85 -19.88 160.11 Patera, paterae 1979 Celtic smith god.
Daedalus Patera Io 74.67 19.50 274.31 Patera, paterae 1979 Greek hero, smith; father of Icarus.
Danube Planum Io 248.03 -22.58 258.01 Planum, plana 1985 Where Io passed by in her wanderings.
Dazhbog Patera Io 118.85 55.13 301.52 Patera, paterae 1979 Slavonic sun god.
Dingir Patera Io 48.26 -4.12 341.39 Patera, paterae 1985 Sumerian sun god; means "shining".
Dis Mons Io 150.00 70.89 318.02 Mons, montes Jan 29, 2025 Name for the walled city encompassing the sixth through ninth circles of Hell in Dante’s “The Inferno.”
Dodona Planum Io 515.00 -59.07 348.23 Planum, plana 1979 Greek; where Io went after the death of Argus.
Donar Fluctus Io 436.36 20.29 186.99 Fluctus, fluctūs 2000 Teutonic god of thunder.
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