Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

Nomenclature Search Results

Target: Mimas

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Feature Name
Center Latitude
Center Longitude
Feature Type
Approval Date
Accolon Mimas 48.00 -70.56 184.41 Crater, craters 1982 Companion of Arthur's; he was tricked into jousting with Arthur.
Arthur Mimas 64.00 -35.40 196.04 Crater, craters 1982 King of the Round Table Assemblage.
Avalon Chasma Mimas 120.00 35.00 147.00 Chasma, chasmata 1982 Arthurian paradise.
Balin Mimas 35.00 14.71 82.51 Crater, craters 1982 Knight of "matchless courage and virtue."
Ban Mimas 37.00 43.93 160.75 Crater, craters 1982 King of Benwick; father of Sir Launcelot, ally of Arthur in the battle of Bedgrayne.
Bedivere Mimas 25.00 9.57 149.42 Crater, craters 1982 Arthurian knight.
Bors Mimas 34.00 41.82 172.30 Crater, craters 1982 King of Gaul; father of Sir Ector de Marys, Sir Bors, Sir Lyonel.
Camelot Chasma Mimas 150.00 -43.00 23.40 Chasma, chasmata 1982 Home of the Round Table assemblage.
Dagonet Mimas 28.00 47.84 261.62 Crater, craters Jul 14, 2008 Fool at King Arthur's court.
Dynas Mimas 35.00 2.35 80.71 Crater, craters 1982 A knight of the Round Table.
Elaine Mimas 21.00 46.33 107.00 Crater, craters 1982 Daughter of King Pelles, lover of Sir Launcelot and mother, by him, of Sir Galahad.
Gaheris Mimas 23.00 -44.57 298.19 Crater, craters 1982 Older son of King Lot; killed by Sir Launcelot in his rescue of Gwynevere from burning.
Galahad Mimas 34.00 -45.32 145.31 Crater, craters 1982 Bastard son of Launcelot and Elaine. He went on the quest to find the Holy Grail.
Gareth Mimas 23.00 -43.06 287.78 Crater, craters 1982 Youngest son of King Lot; killed by Sir Launcelot in his rescue of Gwynevere from burning.
Gawain Mimas 27.00 -58.54 261.08 Crater, craters 1982 Eldest son of King Lot; Arthur's favorite cousin.
Gwynevere Mimas 42.00 -17.60 323.70 Crater, craters 1982 Queen; wife of Arthur; lover of Launcelot.
Herschel Mimas 139.00 -1.38 111.76 Crater, craters 1982 William; German-British astronomer; discovered Mimas and Enceladus (1738-1822).
Igraine Mimas 38.00 -41.99 231.21 Crater, craters 1982 Wife of Uther; mother of Arthur.
Iseult Mimas 21.00 -47.24 33.78 Crater, craters 1982 Loved by Tristram.
Kay Mimas 24.00 44.61 120.54 Crater, craters 1982 Royal seneschal at Arthur's court.
Lamerok Mimas 20.00 -62.27 289.18 Crater, craters 1982 Pellinore's son; sent testing horn to King Mark to expose adultery of Sir Tristram.
Launcelot Mimas 30.00 -9.46 328.49 Crater, craters 1982 King Arthur's favorite; champion and lover of Queen Gwynevere.
Lot Mimas 22.00 -31.46 231.60 Crater, craters 1982 Leader of the rebel kings of the north and west. Married Margawse and begat Sir Gawain, Sir Aggravayne, Sir Gaheris.
Lucas Mimas 40.00 40.75 220.35 Crater, craters Jul 14, 2008 Butler at King Arthur's court.
Marhaus Mimas 34.00 -8.96 0.06 Crater, craters Jul 14, 2008 Delivers poison wound to Tristram before being mortally wounded by him.
Mark Mimas 20.80 -26.28 308.32 Crater, craters 1982 King of Cornwall.
Melyodas Mimas 40.00 -74.93 77.19 Crater, craters Jul 14, 2008 King of Lyoness; marries King Mark's sister, who dies bearing their son, Sir Tristram.
Merlin Mimas 37.00 -38.43 219.01 Crater, craters 1982 Magician and prophet; son of the devil; Arthur's mentor.
Modred Mimas 26.00 4.15 219.68 Crater, craters 1982 Arthur's bastard son and mortal enemy; delivered fatal wound to Arthur but was killed by him.
Morgan Mimas 43.00 24.21 244.98 Crater, craters 1982 Arthur's half sister; enchantress; plotted to destroy Arthur but failed.
Nero Mimas 22.00 -0.36 307.30 Crater, craters Jul 01, 2008 King of the West, principal enemy of Arthur.
Oeta Chasma Mimas 110.00 19.00 122.70 Chasma, chasmata 1982 Shook by a Titan in the war between Titans and Olympians.
Ossa Chasma Mimas 95.00 -23.56 303.75 Chasma, chasmata 1982 Mt. Pelion piled on top of it in war between Titans and Gods.
Palomides Mimas 10.00 3.39 162.00 Crater, craters 1982 Saracen enemy of Tristam.
Pangea Chasma Mimas 150.00 -28.12 340.41 Chasma, chasmata 1982 Picked up by a Titan in the war with the gods.
Pelion Chasma Mimas 100.00 -25.31 250.08 Chasma, chasmata 1982 Mountain piled up with Mt. Ossa in war with gods.
Pellinore Mimas 36.00 29.76 135.45 Crater, craters 1982 King whose duty was to pursue the questing beast and either run it to earth or lose his strength.
Percivale Mimas 20.00 -3.01 178.86 Crater, craters 1982 Very pure knight; accomplished quest of Holy Grail.
Royns Mimas 22.10 32.46 347.49 Crater, craters Jul 14, 2008 King of the West, principal enemy of Arthur.
Tintagil Catena Mimas 130.00 -58.00 235.00 Catena, catenae 1982 Home of Igraine, Arthur's mother.
[Tintagil Chasma] Mimas 55.00 -51.76 213.35 Chasma, chasmata 1982 Home of Igraine, Arthur's mother.
Tristram Mimas 20.00 -52.32 26.00 Crater, craters 1982 Saved Iseult; fell in love with her.
Uther Mimas 34.00 -35.16 250.17 Crater, craters 1982 Ruler of all Britain; Arthur's father.
1 - 43 of 43 results

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