Feature Name
Target |
Diameter |
Center Latitude
Longitude |
Feature Type
Approval Date
Origin |
Accolon | Mimas | 48.00 | -70.56 | 184.41 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Companion of Arthur's; he was tricked into jousting with Arthur. |
Arthur | Mimas | 64.00 | -35.40 | 196.04 | Crater, craters | 1982 | King of the Round Table Assemblage. |
Avalon Chasma | Mimas | 120.00 | 35.00 | 147.00 | Chasma, chasmata | 1982 | Arthurian paradise. |
Balin | Mimas | 35.00 | 14.71 | 82.51 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Knight of "matchless courage and virtue." |
Ban | Mimas | 37.00 | 43.93 | 160.75 | Crater, craters | 1982 | King of Benwick; father of Sir Launcelot, ally of Arthur in the battle of Bedgrayne. |
Bedivere | Mimas | 25.00 | 9.57 | 149.42 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Arthurian knight. |
Bors | Mimas | 34.00 | 41.82 | 172.30 | Crater, craters | 1982 | King of Gaul; father of Sir Ector de Marys, Sir Bors, Sir Lyonel. |
Camelot Chasma | Mimas | 150.00 | -43.00 | 23.40 | Chasma, chasmata | 1982 | Home of the Round Table assemblage. |
Dagonet | Mimas | 28.00 | 47.84 | 261.62 | Crater, craters | Jul 14, 2008 | Fool at King Arthur's court. |
Dynas | Mimas | 35.00 | 2.35 | 80.71 | Crater, craters | 1982 | A knight of the Round Table. |
Elaine | Mimas | 21.00 | 46.33 | 107.00 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Daughter of King Pelles, lover of Sir Launcelot and mother, by him, of Sir Galahad. |
Gaheris | Mimas | 23.00 | -44.57 | 298.19 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Older son of King Lot; killed by Sir Launcelot in his rescue of Gwynevere from burning. |
Galahad | Mimas | 34.00 | -45.32 | 145.31 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Bastard son of Launcelot and Elaine. He went on the quest to find the Holy Grail. |
Gareth | Mimas | 23.00 | -43.06 | 287.78 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Youngest son of King Lot; killed by Sir Launcelot in his rescue of Gwynevere from burning. |
Gawain | Mimas | 27.00 | -58.54 | 261.08 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Eldest son of King Lot; Arthur's favorite cousin. |
Gwynevere | Mimas | 42.00 | -17.60 | 323.70 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Queen; wife of Arthur; lover of Launcelot. |
Herschel | Mimas | 139.00 | -1.38 | 111.76 | Crater, craters | 1982 | William; German-British astronomer; discovered Mimas and Enceladus (1738-1822). |
Igraine | Mimas | 38.00 | -41.99 | 231.21 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Wife of Uther; mother of Arthur. |
Iseult | Mimas | 21.00 | -47.24 | 33.78 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Loved by Tristram. |
Kay | Mimas | 24.00 | 44.61 | 120.54 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Royal seneschal at Arthur's court. |
Lamerok | Mimas | 20.00 | -62.27 | 289.18 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Pellinore's son; sent testing horn to King Mark to expose adultery of Sir Tristram. |
Launcelot | Mimas | 30.00 | -9.46 | 328.49 | Crater, craters | 1982 | King Arthur's favorite; champion and lover of Queen Gwynevere. |
Lot | Mimas | 22.00 | -31.46 | 231.60 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Leader of the rebel kings of the north and west. Married Margawse and begat Sir Gawain, Sir Aggravayne, Sir Gaheris. |
Lucas | Mimas | 40.00 | 40.75 | 220.35 | Crater, craters | Jul 14, 2008 | Butler at King Arthur's court. |
Marhaus | Mimas | 34.00 | -8.96 | 0.06 | Crater, craters | Jul 14, 2008 | Delivers poison wound to Tristram before being mortally wounded by him. |
Mark | Mimas | 20.80 | -26.28 | 308.32 | Crater, craters | 1982 | King of Cornwall. |
Melyodas | Mimas | 40.00 | -74.93 | 77.19 | Crater, craters | Jul 14, 2008 | King of Lyoness; marries King Mark's sister, who dies bearing their son, Sir Tristram. |
Merlin | Mimas | 37.00 | -38.43 | 219.01 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Magician and prophet; son of the devil; Arthur's mentor. |
Modred | Mimas | 26.00 | 4.15 | 219.68 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Arthur's bastard son and mortal enemy; delivered fatal wound to Arthur but was killed by him. |
Morgan | Mimas | 43.00 | 24.21 | 244.98 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Arthur's half sister; enchantress; plotted to destroy Arthur but failed. |
Nero | Mimas | 22.00 | -0.36 | 307.30 | Crater, craters | Jul 01, 2008 | King of the West, principal enemy of Arthur. |
Oeta Chasma | Mimas | 110.00 | 19.00 | 122.70 | Chasma, chasmata | 1982 | Shook by a Titan in the war between Titans and Olympians. |
Ossa Chasma | Mimas | 95.00 | -23.56 | 303.75 | Chasma, chasmata | 1982 | Mt. Pelion piled on top of it in war between Titans and Gods. |
Palomides | Mimas | 10.00 | 3.39 | 162.00 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Saracen enemy of Tristam. |
Pangea Chasma | Mimas | 150.00 | -28.12 | 340.41 | Chasma, chasmata | 1982 | Picked up by a Titan in the war with the gods. |
Pelion Chasma | Mimas | 100.00 | -25.31 | 250.08 | Chasma, chasmata | 1982 | Mountain piled up with Mt. Ossa in war with gods. |
Pellinore | Mimas | 36.00 | 29.76 | 135.45 | Crater, craters | 1982 | King whose duty was to pursue the questing beast and either run it to earth or lose his strength. |
Percivale | Mimas | 20.00 | -3.01 | 178.86 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Very pure knight; accomplished quest of Holy Grail. |
Royns | Mimas | 22.10 | 32.46 | 347.49 | Crater, craters | Jul 14, 2008 | King of the West, principal enemy of Arthur. |
Tintagil Catena | Mimas | 130.00 | -58.00 | 235.00 | Catena, catenae | 1982 | Home of Igraine, Arthur's mother. |
[Tintagil Chasma] | Mimas | 55.00 | -51.76 | 213.35 | Chasma, chasmata | 1982 | Home of Igraine, Arthur's mother. |
Tristram | Mimas | 20.00 | -52.32 | 26.00 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Saved Iseult; fell in love with her. |
Uther | Mimas | 34.00 | -35.16 | 250.17 | Crater, craters | 1982 | Ruler of all Britain; Arthur's father. |
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