Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature


Basic Info

Feature Name Tiburtus
Clean Name Tiburtus
Feature ID 14371
Target Dione
Feature Type Crater, craters


Coordinate System Planetographic, +West, 0 - 360
Northmost Latitude 31.96 °
Southmost Latitude 26.38 °
Eastmost Longitude 186.00 °
Westmost Longitude 192.88 °
Diameter 59.00 km
Center Latitude 29.11 °
Center Longitude 189.73 °
Quad -

Status and Origin

Approval Status Adopted by IAU
Approval Date Mar 17, 2008
Continent Europe
Ethnicity Roman
Origin Brother of the twins Catillus and Coras, founder of Tibur to which he gave his name.
Reference [44] - The Aeneid of Virgil, translated by Allen Mandelbaum: Bantam Books, Inc., New York, 1971.
Updated Jun 04, 2008 1:14 PM

PDF Maps of Dione