Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature


Basic Info

Feature Name Telemus
Clean Name Telemus
Feature ID 14434
Target Tethys
Feature Type Crater, craters


Coordinate System Planetographic, +West, 0 - 360
Northmost Latitude -18.70 °
Southmost Latitude -50.18 °
Eastmost Longitude -0.00 °
Westmost Longitude 360.00 °
Diameter 320.00 km
Center Latitude -34.53 °
Center Longitude 356.89 °
Quad -

Status and Origin

Approval Status Adopted by IAU
Approval Date Apr 28, 2008
Continent Europe
Ethnicity Greek
Origin Prophet of the Cyclops.
Reference [28] - The Odyssey, by Homer, translated by W. H. D. Rouse: Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd., Edinburgh, 1934. or 28b. The Odyssey of Homer, translated by Herbert Bates: Harper Brothers, New York, 1929
Updated Jun 20, 2008 3:41 PM

PDF Maps of Tethys