Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature


Basic Info

Feature Name Malprimis
Clean Name Malprimis
Feature ID 14473
Target Iapetus
Feature Type Crater, craters


Coordinate System Planetographic, +West, 0 - 360
Northmost Latitude -15.20 °
Southmost Latitude -15.20 °
Eastmost Longitude 118.20 °
Westmost Longitude 118.20 °
Diameter 377.00 km
Center Latitude -15.20 °
Center Longitude 118.20 °
Quad -

Status and Origin

Approval Status Adopted by IAU
Approval Date Aug 05, 2008
Continent Europe
Ethnicity France
Origin A Saracen lord from Brigale; killed by Gerin in the first battle.
Reference [29] - Song of Roland, translated by Dorothy L. Sayers: Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, 1967.
Updated Aug 05, 2008 12:46 PM

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