The IAU has approved the names Avire, Niquero, and Triolet for three small craters in quadrangle MC-24. For more information about these features, please visit the Mars section of the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature.
The names Dagonet, Lucas, Marhaus, Melyodas, Nero, and Royns have been approved for six craters on Mimas. For more information, see the list of Mimas crater names in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature.
The following names have been approved for four satellites of Neptune:
Neptune IX (Halimede)
Neptune XI (Sao)
Neptune XII (Laomedeia)
Neptune XIII (Neso)
More information about these names can be found on the Planet and Satellite Names and Discoverers page in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature.
Forty-two new names have been approved for craters on Rhea. For more information, see the list of Rhea crater names and the map of Rhea in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature.
The name Olympia Rupēs has been approved for a series of scarps in the north polar region of Mars, and the name Jezero has been approved for a crater on the western edge of Isidis Planitia. See the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature for more information.
Names for seven craters in the Apollo basin on the Moon have been provisionally approved by the International Astronomical Union to honor the seven Space Shuttle Columbia astronauts. The names can be seen in the list of lunar crater names in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature.
The names are:
L. Clark
M. Anderson
D. Brown
Note that first initials have been used for Anderson, Brown, and Clark to distingiush them from other crater names on the Moon which honor persons with the same surnames.
The name Bogia has been approved for the Martian crater at 44.3S, 276.84W. For more information, see the list of Martian crater names in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature.
The names Aepinus, Bosch, Erlanger, Fibiger, Florey, Gore, Grignard, Haber, Hevesy, Haskin, Houssay, Ibn Bajja, Kocher, Kuhn, Laveran, Nefed'ev, Svedberg, von Baeyer, and Wapowski have been approved for craters in the north and south polar regions of the Moon. For more information, see the list of Moon crater names in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature.
The name Roche Division has been approved for the division between Saturn's A and F rings. See the ring nomenclature page in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature for more information.
The following names in the Elysium region of Mars have been provisionally approved by the IAU. The database information and images showing the features can be seen on the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature.
Aeolis Planum
Cerberus Palus
Cerberus Tholi
Lethe Vallis
Zephyria Planum